January 29, Exodus 25:1 - 28:43

Exodus 25:1-9
Amplified Bible (AMP)
"And the Lord said to Moses,
2 Speak to the Israelites, that they take for Me an offering. From every man who gives it willingly and ungrudgingly with his heart you shall take My offering.
3 This is the offering you shall receive from them: gold, silver, and bronze,
4 Blue, purple, and scarlet [stuff] and fine twined linen and goats’ hair,
5 Rams’ skins tanned red, goatskins, dolphin or porpoise skins, acacia wood,
6 Oil for the light, spices for anointing oil and for sweet incense,
7 Onyx stones, and stones for setting in the ephod and in the breastplate.
8 Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.
9 And you shall make it according to all that I show you, the pattern of the tabernacle or dwelling and the pattern of all the furniture of it."
Every time I read this passage of scripture, I think of the Music Ministry, even though this passage is not about music at all.
This passage can relate to ANY ministry God has placed on our hearts to do.
When we come together and bring our talents and abilities to God ungrudgingly, He blesses our gifts and uses them. And the results are amazing!
The key is to give WILLINGLY and UNGRUDGINGLY. When you feel taken advantage of and used, it's not fun at all. When you sacrificially give with a glad heart, the rewards are endless.
Musically, here's what happens as we sacrificially give of our time and talents. First, I hear or write a song. Then I present it to the musicians and singers. Each member of the Music Ministry has their own unique gift to offer. The musicians have been known to practice up to 4 hours just on one song! We don't mind, though! God has given us the gift of music and we are glad to offer it back to Him! Then the worship leader and singers carefully learn their parts. And when we all come together after hours of rehearsal, WOW!, its a beautiful offering to the congregation of worshipers and to our Heavenly Father!
Many of you know exactly what I'm talking about. You have given time and time again and God is richly rewarding you.
What if you are that person who is wanting to give more, but are unsure what to do next? What unique gift has God given you that you can give back to Him? If you don't know for sure, ask Him! Sometimes you may need to just find a need and fill it. Volunteer in the community, and/or at church. Make an appointment with the Pastor and visit about the needs of the church and community. Give of your time and talents. It's sooooo rewarding. Not only on earth, but eternally.
I'm embarrassed to say this but it's true: I've always ministered INSIDE the four walls of the church. Until after my healing in 2008. In '08 I started getting out of my comfort zone. Now I volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club, and I drive the church mini bus to pick up people who couldn't otherwise come to church. Also, Scott and I are a part of a Bible Study that meets on Tuesday nights at a neighborhood McDonalds.
I am having so much fun sacrificially giving of my time and talents. I am making new friends, and I feel God smiling down on me.
"Dear God, I want to do more for You. I know I have unique gifts (we all do), but sometimes I'm not exactly sure what they are. Lead me in Your path. I want to bring hungry souls into Your kingdom. But I'm not sure where to begin. Lead me step by step. I will follow. I thank You for what you have done and are doing in my life. To You be all the praise and glory. In Jesus' precious name, AMEN."
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