November 6: Who Wouldn't Accept This Lovely Invitation?
Suggested reading: Luke 9: 51-56, 17:11-19, chapters 10 and 11, Matt. 11: 28-30
Luke 17:11-19
Amplified Bible (AMP)
11 As He went on His way to Jerusalem, it occurred that [Jesus] was passing [along the border] between Samaria and Galilee.
12 And as He was going into one village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance.
13 And they raised up their voices and called, Jesus, Master, take pity and have mercy on us!
14 And when He saw them, He said to them, Go [at once] and show yourselves to the priests. And as they went, they were cured and made clean.
15 Then one of them, upon seeing that he was cured, turned back, recognizing and thanking and praising God with a loud voice;
16 And he fell prostrate at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him [over and over]. And he was a Samaritan.
17 Then Jesus asked, Were not [all] ten cleansed? Where are the nine?
18 Was there no one found to return and to recognize and give thanks and praise to God except this alien?
19 And He said to him, Get up and go on your way. Your faith (your trust and confidence that spring from your belief in God) has restored you to health.
There are many truths to focus on in this account, but today I'm struck by two things. The lepers were at a distance. Do you feel God is far from you? Because of choices you've made, or maybe bitterness you have toward Him for whatever reason? Or maybe another reason entirely. Whatever the reason, He can heal you from a distance! How cool is that!
Secondly, He told them to take action while their bodies were still covered with sores!!! Show yourselves to the priests? Are you kidding me, is this a cruel joke? They were banned from society! But as they obeyed the Master's command by sheer faith alone, they were made whole!
I don't know of anyone in the Bible who was healed or delivered by doing nothing. We (I'm talking to myself here as well) must take action in the midst of our crisis.
Instead of saying, "I will if You will", try saying, "I will! I believe! No matter what!", and watch God turn your trial into a triumph!
Matthew 11:28-30
Amplified Bible (AMP)
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
30 For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.
Who wouldn't accept this lovely invitation?
Luke 11:5-13
Amplified Bible (AMP)
5 And He said to them, Which of you who has a friend will go to him at midnight and will say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves [of bread],
6 For a friend of mine who is on a journey has just come, and I have nothing to put before him;
7 And he from within will answer, Do not disturb me; the door is now closed, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and supply you [with anything]?
8 I tell you, although he will not get up and supply him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.
9 So I say to you, Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you.
10 For everyone who asks and keeps on asking receives; and he who seeks and keeps on seeking finds; and to him who knocks and keeps on knocking, the door shall be opened.
11 What father among you, if his son asks for a loaf of bread, will give him a stone; or if he asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent?
12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?
13 If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!
So simple. Just keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. If you keep on knocking, the door WILL open! It's a promise! Straight from Jesus' mouth.
Are you weak? Are you heavy laden? Are you worn out? Simply pray this prayer with me!
Are you weak? Are you heavy laden? Are you worn out? Simply pray this prayer with me!
"Dear Jesus, I feel like one of those lepers today. My life feels like one big, oozing sore. I have shut myself off from all my friends. Because who would want to be near me anyway? A depressing mass of hopelessness. But as I read Your word, You are inviting me to come. Help me, O Lord! Help my unbelief! Help me to cast my many, many, too awful for words burdens on You. I am so weak from carrying this pain and anguish for so long. But You promise Your burden to be light and easy! I submit myself to You, O Lord. I refuse to stubbornly hang on to my heavy burdens any longer. I will praise Your name forever, Jesus, for only You are worthy of my praise. AMEN."
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