April 5: Know God, know peace. No God, no peace.

1 Samuel chapters 28, 31, 1 Chron. 10:1-14, 2 Samuel 4:4, 2 Samuel 1:1-27
1 Chronicles 10:13-14
Amplified Bible (AMP)
13 So Saul died for his trespass against the Lord [in sparing Amalek], for his unfaithfulness in not keeping God’s word, and also for consulting [a medium with] a spirit of the dead to inquire pleadingly of it,
14 And inquired not so of the Lord [in earnest penitence]. Therefore the Lord slew him and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse.
Very simple. Obey and cling to God. Life and peace. Disobey God and search for answers elswhere. Death and torment.
You may say, oh but obeying God is confusing! How do I know His voice? You're misguided, my friend. God's voice is very clear. Simply seek His word and counsel from your spiritual authority. Oh you don't have one? You are just studying God's word on your own? That is mistake number one. That's what Saul did. He figured stuff out on his own. It won't work. Also your gut. Your gut is your consience. Many times the first step of obedience is the hardest one. As in breaking off a friendship or relationship that is dragging you down or making you feel poorly about yourself. Oh, and what if your pastor says "Dont worry about sleeping with the man you're not married to. Gods grace covers all."; and "Sure you can go ahead and sing on the praise team and lead worship."? Well then you must find a pastor who will care enough about your soul to speak truth to you. He doesn't love your soul, he just loves your money.
After that first hard step it becomes an exciting journey. Yeah, you will be lonely, after breaking off your friendships. But just spend your lonely hours getting to know the lover of your soul. The One who will never leave you or forsake you.
"Dear God I pray for my friends everywhere who are struggling with simply obedience to You and Your word. It's hard at first, but then it becomes simple just like breathing. Please give me and everyone else the courage to cling to You and Your word. There is safety in You. King David was safe. Because he clung to You. King Saul was destroyed. Because he consistently disobeyed You. You are worthy and also TRUSTworthy! In Jesus name I pray this, AMEN."
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