February 25, 2014: Change can be Annoying!

Mark 5:1-20
Amplified Bible (AMP)
5 They came to the other side of the sea to the region of the Gerasenes.
2 And as soon as He got out of the boat, there met Him out of the tombs a man [under the power] of an unclean spirit.
3 This man continually lived among the tombs, and no one could subdue him any more, even with a chain;
4 For he had been bound often with shackles for the feet and handcuffs, but the handcuffs of [light] chains he wrenched apart, and the shackles he rubbed and ground together and broke in pieces; and no one had strength enough to restrain or tame him.
5 Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always shrieking and screaming and beating and bruising and cutting himself with stones.
6 And when from a distance he saw Jesus, he ran and fell on his knees before Him in homage,
7 And crying out with a loud voice, he said, What have You to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? [What is there in common between us?] I solemnly implore you by God, do not begin to torment me!
8 For Jesus was commanding, Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!
9 And He asked him, What is your name? He replied, My name is Legion, for we are many.
10 And he kept begging Him urgently not to send them [himself and the other demons] away out of that region.
11 Now a great herd of hogs was grazing there on the hillside.
12 And the demons begged Him, saying, Send us to the hogs, that we may go into them!
13 So He gave them permission. And the unclean spirits came out [of the man] and entered into the hogs; and the herd, numbering about 2,000, rushed headlong down the steep slope into the sea and were drowned in the sea.
14 The hog feeders ran away, and told [it] in the town and in the country. And [the people] came to see what it was that had taken place.
15 And they came to Jesus and looked intently and searchingly at the man who had been a demoniac, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, [the same man] who had had the legion [of demons]; and they were seized with alarm and struck with fear.
16 And those who had seen it related in full what had happened to the man possessed by demons and to the hogs.
17 And they began to beg [Jesus] to leave their neighborhood.
18 And when He had stepped into the boat, the man who had been controlled by the unclean spirits kept begging Him that he might be with Him.
19 But Jesus refused to permit him, but said to him, Go home to your own [family and relatives and friends] and bring back word to them of how much the Lord has done for you, and [how He has] had sympathy for you and mercy on you.
20 And he departed and began to publicly proclaim in Decapolis [the region of the ten cities] how much Jesus had done for him, and all the people were astonished and marveled.
In the Roman army, a legion numbered three to six thousand. The demons begged to be cast into the two thousand pigs grazing nearby. They all rushed into the sea and drowned. So we can assume there were at least two thousand demons in the man.
I understand why people begged Jesus to leave. They were less concerned about the health of the demon posessed man and more concerned that their livelihood had rushed into the sea and drowned!
When Jesus delivers us, we dramatically change, plus there's the ripple effect on our family, close friends, associates, and co-workers. Sometimes, these folks really wish we would go back to the way we were before. Well, MOST of the time they do.
So when you are shocked, hurt and confused at their sometimes evil response to your changed life, simply cast your pain on Jesus. And just be kind back. Smile through the tears. Most of the time, people want you to change on THEIR terms. If your deliverence means change for them, things start to get messy. Basically, no one likes change much. Just hang in there and stick close to Jesus. Good things take time. As time goes on, people will get more comfortable around the new you. You will lose some friends. Everyone will treat you differently. And some will actually step away from the crowd and start asking sincere questions about your changed life!
You will definitely have some lonely times. Just spend those lonely hours with Jesus. He knows first hand about loneliness!
"Dear Jesus I pray for the person who has been delivered by You! Her life has changed dramatically! She has been totally set free and it feels amazing! But there are those around her who seem to prefer her the way she was before. Maybe it's because simply being around her makes them feel like THEY need to change. She doesn't fit in with them anymore. Give her the patience to wait it out. And to love them in spite of their actions. And fall into Your arms for strength and comfort in the lonely times. We worship You for what You have done and are doing! You are worthy! You are our Healer! You are our Deliverer! You deserve all the praise forever! In Your mighty name, Jesus, AMEN."
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