February 18, 2014: Fasting, Wild Beasts, and Angels

Mark 1:1-22
Amplified Bible (AMP)
1 The beginning [of the facts] of the good news (the Gospel) of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
2 Just as it is written in the prophet Isaiah: Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who will make ready Your way—
3 A voice of one crying in the wilderness [shouting in the desert], Prepare the way of the Lord, make His beaten tracks straight (level and passable)!
4 John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness (desert), preaching a baptism [obligating] repentance (a change of one’s mind for the better, heartily amending one’s ways, with abhorrence of his past sins) in order to obtain forgiveness of and release from sins.
5 And there kept going out to him [continuously] all the country of Judea and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, as they were confessing their sins.
6 And John wore clothing woven of camel’s hair and had a leather girdle around his loins and ate locusts and wild honey.
7 And he preached, saying, After me comes He Who is stronger (more powerful and more valiant) than I, the strap of Whose sandals I am not worthy or fit to stoop down and unloose.
8 I have baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
10 And when He came up out of the water, at once he [John] saw the heavens torn open and the [Holy] Spirit like a dove coming down [to enter] into Him.
11 And there came a voice out from within heaven, You are My Beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.
12 Immediately the [Holy] Spirit [from within] drove Him out into the wilderness (desert),
13 And He stayed in the wilderness (desert) forty days, being tempted [all the while] by Satan; and He was with the wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him [continually].
14 Now after John was arrested and put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the good news (the Gospel) of the kingdom of God,
15 And saying, The [appointed period of] time is fulfilled (completed), and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent (have a change of mind which issues in regret for past sins and in change of conduct for the better) and believe (trust in, rely on, and adhere to) the good news (the Gospel).
16 And passing along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon [Peter] and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net [to and fro] in the sea, for they were fishermen.
17 And Jesus said to them, Come after Me and be My disciples, and I will make you to become fishers of men.
18 And at once they left their nets and [yielding up all claim to them] followed [with] Him [joining Him as disciples and siding with His party].
19 He went on a little farther and saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who were in [their] boat putting their nets in order.
20 And immediately He called out to them, and [abandoning all mutual claims] they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and went off after Him [to be His disciples, side with His party, and follow Him].
21 And they entered into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath He went into the synagogue and began to teach.
22 And they were completely astonished at His teaching, for He was teaching as One Who possessed authority, and not as the scribes.
Verses twelve and thirteen jumped out at me today!
And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness. And He stayed in the wilderness (desert) forty days, being tempted [all the while] by Satan; and He was with the wild beasts, and the angels ministered to Him [continually].
Are you facing the worst trial of your life? Do you have insurmountable junk in to deal with? Are you miserable, worried out of your mind and anxious? Maybe the Spirit is driving you into your wilderness experience. Follow Jesus' example.
1. Fast. Any kind of fast. Study different types. Water only or juice only are a couple of types. Joy Haney wrote a book on fasting. She mentions having hot cereal before you go to bed. Or you can go on a veggie only fast. Or a media fast. Your choice. Hey, one idea would be a 40 day fast in stages. Different types for each 10 day period for example. Just pray about it and make your decision. It really helps to join others and fast together.
2. You will be tempted constantly! Anyone who's fasted knows this! OMGoodness! The temptation is everywhere.
3. The wild savage beasts will be all around you. These wild beasts signify danger. You will be in the middle of dangerous circumstances in your wilderness. But you will emerge unharmed! You will be safe in the midst of danger.
4. You will be ministered to by angels. I just have a feeling that if you follow Jesus' example here in Mark 1, those same angels who ministered to our Lord will rush to your side.
After Jesus' wilderness experience, He stepped into His ministry. What is Jesus calling you to do?
I am sooooo talking to myself here today. I am tired. Tired of myself. Tired of my situation. I need a breakthrough. And God's precious word is tellng me exactly what I must do. But it's hard to take the first step into the wild unknown wilderness. Not looking forward to temptation and danger. Even though I know Jesus has gone before me.
"Jesus, I am tired. I am weak. I am worn. I need Thee, Oh, I need Thee. Please help me face the ugly wilderness and march right in. Because You go before me. Every step of the way. I have no more words, Jesus. Only groanings. AMEN."
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