April 11: "Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death."

2 Samuel chapters 12, 8, and 23, 1 Chron. 20:1-3, 1 Chron 18:9-13, 11:10-47
2 Samuel 12:18-23
Amplified Bible (AMP)
18 And on the seventh day the child died. David’s servants feared to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, While the child was yet alive, we spoke to him and he would not listen to our voices; will he then harm himself if we tell him the child is dead?
19 But when David saw that his servants whispered, he perceived that the child was dead. So he said to them, Is the child dead? And they said, He is.
20 Then David arose from the floor, washed, anointed himself, changed his apparel, and went into the house of the Lord and worshiped. Then he came to his own house, and when he asked, they set food before him, and he ate.
21 Then his servants said to him, What is this that you have done? You fasted and wept while the child was alive, but when the child was dead, you arose and ate food.
22 David said, While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, Who knows whether the Lord will be gracious to me and let the child live?
23 But now he is dead; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me.
King David's sin resulted in death.
James 1:15
Amplified Bible (AMP)
15 Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death.
If you continue reading in today's selection, you will find "Meanwhile" (1 Samuel 12:26) King David defeats Rabbah, Moab, Hadadezer, Damascus, and Edom.
I've written about this subject before, but I find myself thinking about it again this morning. So many times we have a devastating, humiliating area of our life going on, and at the same time we have a victorious situation in another area. And often times the exciting victory is overshadowed by the negative stuff. It's like God gives us a bright spot to help us cope with the utter devastation we are feeling. And I've found it does help!
"Dear God, please let this passage today be an encouragement to all who feel they have ruined their lives by sinful choices. Please comfort those of us who, like King David, have made some devastating mistakes. The one who feels his or her life is over and it's too late to fall to their knees in repentance. It wasn't too late for your servant David, and it's not too late for any one of us. God, I pray for that sinner who is overwhelmed and has lost all hope of restoration. You died for that person. You love that person who humbly repents and turns everything over to You. You can pick up the broken pieces and put it all back together again. We are all sinners saved by Your grace. Please pour Your love and forgiveness out freely to all who repent today. In Your precious name, the name of Jesus, I pray this. AMEN."
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