June 15 / Every Day God: Stop With the Band-Aids, Already!!!

2 Kings 13:20-21
Amplified Bible (AMP)
20 Elisha died, and they buried him. Bands of the Moabites invaded the land in the spring of the next year.
21 As a man was being buried [on an open bier], such a band was seen coming; and the man was cast into Elisha’s grave. And when the man being let down touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet.
Are you dead inside?
You're trying to distract yourself, but it's not working. You are feeling more and more miserable. You have a giant pile of bandaids on your heart. Putting more bandaids on is not the answer. And as you self medicate, you are bringing pain to those who love you the most. Stop with the bandaids, already!
Throw yourself down. At the foot of the cross! Grab ahold of Jesus' dead, bloody feet, and hang on for your life!!! Let His precious blood soak into your dead, lifeless heart of stone. Watch that stony heart begin to feel again. Watch that heart come alive.
I know it makes no sense. Just like this account of the dead man coming to life after touching Elisha's dead bones. It makes no sense at all. But do it anyway.
Just allow yourself to be crushed and broken. Just die to your flesh. Embrace the pain. Embrace the broken beyond repair heart. Embrace the hopelessness. Embrace feeling like you're nothing. And then lay it all down before Hiis dead, lifeless body, broken for YOU.
I just read the book, "I Never Promised You a Goodie Bag," by Jennifer Gilbert. She was viciously stabbed 37 times with a screwdriver. She should be dead. In fact, as she states in her book, she WAS dead inside. Afterwards,she felt like she must have been a stupid, bad person to be chosen for such a horrific crime. Why her? There must have been a reason this hate filled animal would target her. But, as she writes in her book, she turned her tragedy into triumph. Today she is surviving and thriving.
You feel so alone. No one knows what you've been through. But Jesus does. Just lay your dead body down at His bloody feet and watch it come to life again.
"Jesus please heal and restore today like only You can. Please bring to life the dead hearts out there, broken beyond repair. You were dead and broken beyond repair. You understand. You can relate perfectly. No one understands like You do. No one sees each tear that falls like You do. Please heal, deliver, and restore like only You can. Thank You, Dear Jesus. I will praise Your mighty name forever and ever. You alone are worthy. AMEN."
"Jesus please heal and restore today like only You can. Please bring to life the dead hearts out there, broken beyond repair. You were dead and broken beyond repair. You understand. You can relate perfectly. No one understands like You do. No one sees each tear that falls like You do. Please heal, deliver, and restore like only You can. Thank You, Dear Jesus. I will praise Your mighty name forever and ever. You alone are worthy. AMEN."
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