GOD Morning! August 1, 2016 / Con Artist Leaders
GOD Morning! August 1, 2016
Con Artist
Luke 20:27-47
Is There a Resurrection?
27 Now some of the Sadducees (who say that there is no
resurrection) came to Him 28 and they questioned Him, saying,
“Teacher, Moses wrote for us [a law that] if
a man’s brother dies, leaving a wife and no children, his brother should marry the wife and raise children for his
brother. 29 Now there were seven brothers; and the first took a wife
and died childless. 30 And the second, 31 and the third
married her, and in the same way all seven died, leaving no children. 32 Finally the woman
also died. 33 So in the [life after] resurrection, whose wife does she
become? For all seven had married her.”
34 Jesus said to them, “The sons of this [world
and present] age marry and [the women] are given in
marriage; 35 but those who are considered worthy to gain
that [other world and that future] age and the resurrection from the
dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; 36 and they cannot
die again, because they are [immortal] like the angels (equal to,
angel-like). And they are children of God,
being participants in the resurrection. 37 But [as for
the fact] that the dead are raised [from death], even Moses
showed, in the passage about the burning bush, when he calls
the Lord the God of Abraham, the God
of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 38 Now He is not the
God of the dead, but of the living [so these forefathers will be among the
resurrected]; for all live [in a definite relationship] to
Him.” 39 Some of the scribes replied, “Teacher, you have spoken
well [so that there is no room for blame].” 40 And they did not
dare to question Him further about anything [because of the wisdom He displayed
in His answers].
Sadducees were the ancient version of the modern liberal theologians. They only
accepted the first five books of Moses as authentic - and disregarded what was
written in those books when it pleased them to do so. They did not believe in immortality, spirits
or angels.” (StudyLight.org)
Hilarious. Trying to trip Jesus up. Seriously? They didn’t even believe in Heaven.
Some things never
change. Folks are still trying to twist the truths of the Bible, to validate
their own warped belief systems.
45 And with all the people listening, He said to His
disciples, 46 “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long
robes [displaying their prominence], and love respectful greetings in
the [crowded] market places, and chief seats in the synagogues and
places of honor at banquets.47 These [men] who
confiscate and devour widows’ houses, and for a
pretense [to appear devout] offer long prayers. These [men] will
receive the greater [sentence of] condemnation.”
“There are numbers of ways to take the life savings and/or money for
daily living from the old, the gullible, or those who are zealous without
knowledge. Con artists, crooks, shysters, sharpies, cheats, etc. make their
living by fleecing people. The tactics they use are illegal.
However, there are others who have discovered a legal way to take money
from the unsuspecting. They do it under the guise of Christianity. Following
are two examples:
A daily paper recently revealed that a well-known TV evangelist wrote a
letter to a widow in a nursing home asking for $200. His appeal was that if she
did not have the money, she should borrow it and then send it to him. The
letter was called to the attention of a reporter who published it in the
newspaper. The evangelist defended his action by claiming that God had
instructed him to send this letter to the widow. Unfortunately, the lady had
been dead for three months.
Some years ago, an incident of solicitation by intimidation, which was
reported to the police in Canada, was exposed in Christianity Today. The
Executive Director of the New Brunswick Senior Citizens Federation charged that
a popular evangelist in the United States took financial advantage of the
sensitivity of seniors and preyed on them at a time in their lives when they
are most susceptible. In his solicitation letter the evangelist warned the
senior citizens that if they neglected to pay attention to what He (God) was
saying, then Satan would take advantage and hit them with “bad things” and they
would “wish they had never been born.” On the other hand, the evangelist
stated, through the gift of prophecy he had been told that recipients could
expect creative miracles: things seemingly dead in their body, their spirit,
their mind, and their finances would come alive again. These tactics may be
legal but they are far from Christian.” Bible.org
This is downright evil. But this is exactly what Jesus
was speaking of in verses 46 and 47.
Con artists parading around as ministers of the Gospel are
alive and well!
I am reminded of a minister’s wife I knew years ago who would
“casually mention” her financial needs constantly. She was respected in the
community, and she used this to her advantage. Folks would literally give her family hundreds of dollars
regularly. She would “mention” that an appliance broke down to everyone she
came in contact with and, sure enough, someone would purchase a brand new
appliance and have it delivered to her door. I was seriously shocked time and
time again.
I have said this many times, but I am so grateful
for the leadership in my church. I work alongside of the pastors every day and I trust
them with my life. These men and their wives are solid people, through and
Beware folks! If you suspect that this may be happening to
you, pray that God will show you clearly what is going on.
“Dear God, there is someone out there today who is being taken
advantage of by someone who she highly respects. Please, Jesus, open her eyes
this morning. You didn’t accidentally mention these evil scribes in Your teachings. These scriptures are in the Bible for a reason. To warn us. Thank You
for not leaving anything out. Thank You for addressing every single situation
that we may encounter. You are so amazing. Your word is incredible. How I love
You, my Jesus, AMEN.”
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