GOD Morning! May 4 Boot Camp Day 56 / What Am I Plugged Into?

GOD Morning! May 1
What Am I Plugged Into?

Luke 11:33-54 AMP
33 “No one lights a lamp and then puts it in a cellar nor under a basket [hiding the light], but [instead it is put] on the lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light. 34 The eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is clear [spiritually perceptive, focused on God], your whole body also is full of light [benefiting from God’s precepts]. But when it is bad [spiritually blind], your body also is full of darkness [devoid of God’s word]. 35 Be careful, therefore, that the light that is in you is not darkness. 36 So if your whole body is illuminated, with no dark part, it will be entirely bright [with light], as when the lamp gives you light with its bright rays.”
Well, this passage is enlightening. =)
My eye is the lamp of my body. When I am plugged into Jesus, the light of the world, my eyes are clear and my whole body is full of light.
When I’m not plugged into Jesus my eyes are bad. I am spiritually blind. My whole body is full of darkness.
This reminds me of transformation. This also reminds me of the transfiguration of Jesus.
“ About eight days after saying this, he climbed the mountain to pray, taking Peter, John, and James along. While he was in prayer, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became blinding white.”  (Luke 9:28 the Message)
So if I am plugged into Jesus, I will be just like a bright lamp. This is so incredibly cool. I will truly be like Him.
Okay, I don’t want to blind everyone, but you get the picture.
I like the part about the appearance of His face changing.
Have you ever seen someone’s face change? I have. Sometimes it’s a good change. Sometimes it’s not a good change. But it’s very noticeable! There are folks in my life that I can “read like a book.”
But then I rarely look at myself in the mirror when I’m excited or disappointed, for example. People can probably read me as well!
Hey that’s a whole “nother” subject! Most of us only look at our reflection if we are getting ready for work or to go out in public.
We don’t really see ourselves as others do. We don’t see the emotions that pass over our own faces.
Wouldn’t it be cool to be transformed so that everyone that we met would take one look at our face and wonder what we are plugged into?
I want to be truly transformed. Day by day. As I plug in to the Light of the World.

“Dear Jesus, I’ve been watching a Hallmark series. It’s okay (not even great), and seriously, it doesn’t bring light to my eyes. “Plugging in” to this series does nothing for me spiritually, mentally, emotionally or any other way. I just watch it to “unwind”. There’s got to be a better way that I can relax besides getting caught up in the lives of people that don’t exist. Please help me to figure something else out. You love it when I chill. You made my body to work hard and then relax and unwind. Okay this is an odd prayer. But I want to please You in every area of my life. Even when I am chillaxing. Please guide me in this area. Thanks for listening to this unusual prayer. But I know that You are interested in every little area of our lives, not just the spiritual parts. How I love You, my sweet Jesus. AMEN.”


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