GOD Morning! May 4 / Advanced Individual Training / He Had Compassion on Me

GOD Morning!  May 4 
Advanced Individual Training
Luke 11
Woes upon the Pharisees
37 Now after Jesus had spoken, a Pharisee asked Him to have lunch with him. He went in [the Pharisee’s home] and reclined at the table [without ceremonially washing His hands]. 38 The Pharisee noticed this and was surprised that Jesus did not first ceremonially wash before the meal. 
“The word translated "wash" is Greek baptizo, which means "dip, immerse" or, in the middle voice, "dip oneself, wash," and is used of Jewish ritual washings as well as of baptism.
The Pharisees took ritual cleansings very seriously. For example, at the wedding at Cana that Jesus attended, six stone water jars were present "the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons" (John 2:6).
When we read about Jesus not washing his hands before eating we want to hide this from our children. We teach our children to wash their hands thoroughly before eating in order to prevent diseases. But the Pharisees didn't wash in order to get rid of germs. They washed as required by the "tradition of the elders" in order to cleanse their hands from spiritual defilement that might be taken into the body (Mark 7:3, 5). The actual washing didn't involve soap or scrubbing, but rather dribbling some water over the hands. It was an act of spiritual cleansing, not physical cleansing.
But Jesus and his disciples don't participate in the ritual at the table that day. And their Pharisee host -- in a most unhostlike manner -- shows surprise. The Greek word is thaumazo, "wonder, marvel, be astonished." He probably remarks to Jesus on his surprise, and is met with a sharp response.”  Dr. Ralph Wilson
So yeah. How rude to say to your guest, “You didn’t wash your hands!” Even if I thought it, I wouldn’t say it.
39 But the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and plate [as required by tradition]; but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. 40 You foolish ones [acting without reflection or intelligence]! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 
I have said this before, but this could have applied to me when I was younger. Or if I’m really honest, before my healing in 2008. Not sure that I was full of greed. I have never considered myself to be exceptionally greedy. But what is greed exactly?
intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.

Oh. According to this definition, I was full of greed as well.
And there were definitely other things in me that were ugly. Selfishness, pride, stubbornness, bitterness and fear, to name a few unattractive traits.
Seriously, until 2007ish, I was in a box. I liked my box. It was comfortable. I was clean on the outside, but harboring junk on the inside. I looked and acted the part of a Music Minister, but my heart need an old fashioned scrubbing.
I loved God, I prayed, I read my Bible, I cried and worshipped. I knew that I needed to draw closer to God, but doesn’t everyone? I justified myself by comparing myself to others. I was further along than some and not as far along as others.
Every now and then, something would pop out of my mouth that would surprise me and others. That was the proof that all was not well in my heart.
One time, my dear friend repeated something to me that I was tired of hearing. I lashed out at her vehemently! I said a bunch of hurtful stuff that had been building up for a while. Suddenly, I was stunned. How could that have happened? Even though I called her and tearfully apologized, our relationship was never the same after that, sadly.
41 But give that which is within as charity [that is, acts of mercy and compassion, not as a public display, but as an expression of your faithfulness to God], and then indeed all things are clean for you.
Now I understand this scripture. Because I attempt to the best of my ability to live it. I am sooooo grateful to God for delivering me from all of that evil junk that was in my comfortable box. I know that He delivered me so that I could live out this scripture.
Am I perfect now? Nooooooooo! I am a work in progress. But thankfully, I can gladly proclaim that I am progressing! One prayer at a time. One Bible study at a time. One act of obedience at a time!
42 “But woe (judgment is coming) to you Pharisees, because you [self-righteously] tithe mint and rue and every [little] garden herb [tending to all the minutiae], and yet disregard and neglect justice and the love of God; but these are the things you should have done, without neglecting the others. 43 Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the best seats in the synagogues and to be respectfully greeted in the market places. 44 Woe to you! For you are like graves which are unmarked, and people walk over them without being aware of it [and are ceremonially unclean].”
God help me! I don’t ever want to be this person again!
     “He had compassion on me, washed my eyes now I see
      Touched my feet, now I walk in His footsteps
      He had compassion on me, He touched my heart, now I’m free
      O praise the Lord, He had compassion on me!”

“Dear Jesus, I am so thankful that You had compassion on me. I was blind and didn’t know it. You opened my eyes. Was it a process? Yes! Very painful at times. Was it worth it? Oh yes! Now every day is a wonderful adventure as I follow where You lead me. How I love You, Jesus! How I love Your Word! Thank You for loving me even when I was a Pharisee. Please continue to break me, mold me and make me. I am a work in progress. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.”


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