April 30, 2013: God's Crazy, Over theTop Love

Psalm 29
The Message (MSG)
A David Psalm
29 1-2 Bravo, God, bravo!
Gods and all angels shout, “Encore!”
In awe before the glory,
in awe before God’s visible power.
Stand at attention!
Dress your best to honor him!
3 God thunders across the waters,
Brilliant, his voice and his face, streaming brightness—
God, across the flood waters.
4 God’s thunder tympanic,
God’s thunder symphonic.
5 God’s thunder smashes cedars,
God topples the northern cedars.
6 The mountain ranges skip like spring colts,
The high ridges jump like wild kid goats.
7-8 God’s thunder spits fire.
God thunders, the wilderness quakes;
He makes the desert of Kadesh shake.
9 God’s thunder sets the oak trees dancing
A wild dance, whirling; the pelting rain strips their branches.
We fall to our knees—we call out, “Glory!”
10 Above the floodwaters is God’s throne
from which his power flows,
from which he rules the world.
11 God makes his people strong.
God gives his people peace.
I'm in awe again. God's word is beautiful in every way.
"We call out, Glory! God makes His people strong. God gives His people peace."
Do I understand His ways? Most of the time, no. Do I like the end result? Yes, a thousand times, yes. One hundred percent of the time. Many times, if I'm not liking what I see Him doing, it's because He's not finished yet.
So many times, I have a hard time believing His hand is at work when all I see is horrific events unfolding. And then, as I sit back and watch Him continue to paint, His brush strokes reveal true beauty. Every time!
So we must be patient! When it hurts, just patiently wait on Him. Endure. We will win!!!
"Jesus, thank You for Your crazy, over the top love for me! You are very creative in how You love me. You send storms my way to make me stronger. Sometimes I hurt all over! Sometimes the emotional pain is almost more than I can bear! But on the other side is Joy unspeakable! Every time!!! Oh How I Love You!!! AMEN."
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